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Corporate Training


Corporate training, also known as Corporate Education or more recently Workplace Learning, is a system of activities designed to educate employees. While it helps employers, it is also beneficial for employees as it helps them obtain and hone knowledge and skills to progress professionally and personally.

Formal classroom training is just one way to meet the skills gap. With the explosive growth in technology tools to train people today, the best corporate training programs provide multiple ways people can consume training, both formal and informal. Collaborative platforms, self-authored videos, MOOCs, mobile, and blended learning options are all becoming accepted corporate training tools. While skills gaps continue to challenge companies, increased investment in-company training programs is good for everyone: employees, businesses, and new hires.


Surflex Technology specializes in train the trainer courses to upskill your corporate trainer and learning & development team and provide essential training skills for subject matter experts, supervisors, or managers to shine in their classroom, virtual, and on-the-job training efforts. Train the trainer courses to include facilitator and instructor training, how to design training, how to be an effective performance consultant, how to manage the training function, and how to be an effective training coordinator. Besides, we offer a full range of soft skills training and workshops in communication, interpersonal, self-management, supervisory, management, and leadership skills. All of our workshops are available for on-site, blended, or virtual delivery.

Our content and delivery philosophy focuses on:

  • Modeling state-of-the-art design, facilitation, and management of learning.

  • Practical learning by doing, not just by listening.

  • Class exercises and case studies that are customized to the client's industry.

  • Asking participants to work on their organization's real issues and develop action plans and materials to use on the job the very next day.


Surflex Technology has proficiency in the following types of corporate training among others.

  • Project Management Training

  • End-User Training

Some notable mentions.

  • Surflex Technology has provided End User Training in Powergrid Corporation of India Limited and Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineering.